Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Light to Walk Toward"

I was thinking today about the idea of a "light to walk toward" in architecture and interior design. Light in a space directs people toward the light and compels them to move through the space. I think in education that it is also important to have a light to walk toward. Students must have something that grabs their attention, and gets them interested in the lesson, just like the light in architecture compels people to explore a space. Students who are hooked at the beginning of the lesson will be more open to explore the lesson as they will have some desire to move toward the light.

1 comment:

Abbie S. said...

That is so true! Students must feel compelled to learn and want to be a part! We have to grab them at the beginning and hold their interest. I don't ever remember teachers being so intriguing when I was a kid, but I suppose that we have more to compete with these days. Media and technology create that need for instant gratification and very short attention spans... I just think teaching has evolved and is more demanding. So creating the light for students to walk toward is increasingly more important! At any rate, you said it very well! Great bridge!